Rick sevenseven

Written by Rick in Performance Marketing

Building and implementing your brand tone-of-voice: A comprehensive guide

Building and implementing your brand tone of voice hero 2

Creating a distinct brand tone-of-voice is crucial for any business looking to establish a consistent and memorable presence in their market. It's more than just a set of words or a style guide; it's about conveying the personality, values, and ethos of your brand in every interaction.

However, defining a brand voice is only half the battle. The challenge lies in embedding this voice throughout your organisation and ensuring it resonates with both internal teams and external audiences. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you implement a brand tone-of-voice effectively.

Step 1: Define Your Brand Voice

Understand Your Brand Identity

Before you can develop a brand voice, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your brand identity. This involves knowing your brand’s core values, mission, vision, and target audience. Conduct workshops with key stakeholders to gather insights and create a comprehensive profile of your brand.

Create a Voice Profile

Once you understand your brand identity, the next step is to translate this into a voice profile. This profile should include:

  • Tone: The emotional inflection in your communication. Is your brand friendly, professional, humorous, or authoritative?
  • Language: The specific words and phrases that align with your brand. This includes jargon, slang, and technical terms.
  • Style: The overall style of your communication. This could range from casual and conversational to formal and polished.

Step 2: Develop Brand Voice Guidelines

Craft Comprehensive Guidelines

To ensure consistency, it's vital to document your brand voice in a detailed guide. This guide should include:

  • Voice Characteristics: Define the primary characteristics of your voice. For instance, if your brand is friendly, specify what friendly means for your brand.
  • Dos and Don'ts: Provide clear examples of how to use the voice in different contexts, such as social media posts, customer service interactions, and internal communications.
  • Application in Various Media: Demonstrate how the voice should adapt across different channels, from email newsletters to social media and video content.

Involve Key Departments

While the marketing team often leads the development of the brand voice, it's essential to involve other departments such as sales, customer service, and HR. This cross-departmental collaboration ensures that the voice is applicable across all touchpoints.

Step 3: Secure Buy-In from Leadership

Engage Leadership Early On

For a brand voice to be successfully implemented, it must have the backing of the organisation's leadership. Present the brand voice guidelines to your leadership team, explaining how it aligns with the company's strategic goals and enhances brand consistency.

Highlight the Benefits

Articulate the benefits of a unified brand voice, such as improved customer perception, stronger brand loyalty, and streamlined internal communication. Use case studies or examples from other companies to illustrate these benefits.

Step 4: Train Your Team

Roll Out Training Programmes

Implement training sessions for all employees to familiarise them with the brand voice guidelines. This training should be interactive, with practical exercises and examples tailored to each department's needs.

Create Support Materials

Develop support materials such as cheat sheets, quick-reference guides, and FAQs that employees can easily access. These materials should be concise and practical, focusing on common scenarios where the brand voice is applied.

Practice and Feedback

Encourage employees to practice using the brand voice in their daily tasks. Set up regular feedback sessions where employees can share their experiences and challenges. This ongoing practice helps to internalise the brand voice and refine its application.

Step 5: Monitor and Refine

Regular Check-Ins

After the initial implementation, schedule regular check-ins with key stakeholders to assess how well the brand voice is being adopted. Use these sessions to gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments.

Update Guidelines as Needed

As your brand evolves, your brand voice may need to be adjusted. Keep the brand voice guidelines up to date by incorporating feedback from employees and customers. Regularly review the guidelines to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with the brand's direction.

Celebrate Successes

Highlight successful examples of the brand voice in action. Celebrate these successes within the organisation to reinforce the importance of the brand voice and encourage continued adherence.


Implementing a brand tone-of-voice is a comprehensive process that requires careful planning, collaboration, and continuous refinement. By following these steps, you can create a consistent and compelling brand voice that resonates with your audience and strengthens your brand identity. Remember, the key to a successful brand voice is not just in defining it but in living it every day across all aspects of your business.

If you would like to discuss your brand tone-of-voice, or schedule an initial discovery call with one of our team, simply get in touch today.

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