Rick sevenseven

Written by Rick in Performance Marketing

Choosing the Right Social Channels for Your Business

Choosing the Right Social Channels for Your UK Business hero

Social media is an extremely powerful tool for business, allowing you to communicate your brand's message to vast numbers of potential new customers. However, with the multitude of platforms available, it can be difficult to manage and identify the correct channels for your business.

With a strategic approach, we offer some insight into making an informed decision about which social media platforms to prioritise for your business and gain greater results.

Rather than using a scattergun approach and sharing the same content across all channels, a more strategic approach can save your business time and money.

Understanding Your Audience

A clear understanding of your audience is crucial. Analyse demographic data, interests, and online behaviours specific to your market. Different platforms attract different user bases. LinkedIn, for example, is populated by professionals, making it suitable for B2B marketing, while Instagram’s visually-driven format is perfect for brands targeting a younger demographic. Knowing where your audience spends their time online will guide your platform choices.

As of 2024, Facebook remains popular with 2.91 billion monthly active users globally, while Instagram boasts around 1.38 billion. Although these stats are hugely dependent on demographics, TikTok, for example, has approximately 76 per cent of online users aged between 15 and 24 years in 2024, yet the content of TikTok is not ideal for all business sectors. In the UK specifically, 78% of internet users are active on social media, making these platforms key for reaching audiences.

Define Your Goals

Start by clarifying what you aim to achieve with your social media marketing. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive website traffic, or boost sales? Each platform has unique features that cater to different objectives. For instance, Facebook is excellent for broad engagement and driving sales, while Twitter excels in real-time interaction and community building.

Assess Your Resources

Consider your budget and available resources. Managing multiple social media accounts requires time, effort, and money. It is more effective to excel on a few platforms than to spread yourself too thin. If resources are limited, focus on the platforms where you can achieve the most impact. Leveraging social media management tools or engaging agencies can also enhance efficiency.

If you are planning to use paid ads or boosted posts in your social media strategy, then comparing costs for each chosen platform will also need to be analysed. You can set a budget, but some platforms' cost per click is far greater than others, meaning your budget will not stretch as far depending on your goal.

Leverage Platform Strengths

Each social media platform has distinct advantages. Pinterest, for example, is powerful for discovery, making it ideal for businesses in lifestyle, fashion, and home décor. Facebook and Instagram, with their advanced ad targeting and shopping features, are effective for driving sales. Tailor your content to leverage the strengths of each platform. Having an idea of what content you can produce will also help in deciding which platform to utilise.

Maintain Consistency

Consistency across all chosen platforms is essential for maintaining brand integrity. Ensure that your visual and textual content aligns with your brand’s voice and values, creating a cohesive experience for your audience. Adapt your messaging to fit the tone and culture of each platform while ensuring your core brand identity remains consistent.

Analyse Competitors

Monitoring your competitors can provide valuable insights. Examine which platforms they utilise, the type of content they share, and their audience engagement levels. This analysis can help you identify gaps in your strategy and uncover new opportunities. However, it is important to innovate based on these observations rather than merely imitating them.

Utilise Analytics

Use analytics tools to monitor your performance on each platform. Metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates will help you understand what works and what does not. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your strategy and allocate resources more effectively. The longer you track, the more precise your rationale will be.

Be Adaptable

The social media landscape is constantly evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow. Be open to experimenting with new platforms and content types. Regularly review your performance and be ready to adjust your strategy based on what you learn.


Choosing the right social media channels for your business requires a strategic approach that considers your goals, audience, resources, and the strengths of each platform. By focusing on these key areas, you can create a cohesive and effective social media strategy that drives meaningful engagement and achieves your business objectives. Remember, a targeted, well-executed strategy will always outperform a scattered approach.

Chat to us today to discuss how we can help your business choose the best social channels to achieve your goals. Call on 01925 351 377 or complete our enquiry form here.


  • Statista: Facebook monthly active users
  • Statista: Instagram monthly active users
  • Statista: Pinterest active users
  • Statista: TikTok demographic

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